
Discover the benefits of active breaks

October 29, 2020

Why including active breaks as part of the routine helps to preserve occupational health.

Professional development
Maru Rodríguez

Staying long hours working on the computer added to high doses of stress, is a mixture that can bring as a consequence serious health problems to the employee. Bad postures cause discomfort to the neck, wrists, fingers, spine, legs, the head, arms and eyesight. Can these disadvantages be avoided? How can we take care of our occupational health?

Many of these problems happen because of the little mobility, that’s why, for some time now, active breaks are gaining importance as part of the occupational health routines of organizations.

Active breaks are short rest periods that take place during the working day in which employees have the opportunity to stretch, do breathing exercises or special dynamics in order to improve their performance, eliminate stress and get their minds off the routine.

Nowadays, many companies have included these activities on a mandatory basis because they have proven they generate positive results on their teams and that they influence the productivity of the company.

What are their benefits?

  • They improve posture.
  • Reduce stress levels.
  • Stimulate blood circulation.
  • Improve working relationships.
  • Promote creativity.
  • Contribute to improve blood circulation.
  • Reduce the risk of occupational diseases.
  • Improve concentration.

Moving the body from time to time, resting the eyes from the screen, smiling, taking consciousness of your breath, stretching and clearing your mind are actions that allow employees to recharge their batteries and, subsequently, retake their activities with better spirits.

Have you ever experienced the benefit of taking active breaks during your working day? If you haven’t done it yet, I invite you to give it a try.