
We migrated our physical servers to Azure - Now it became a nightmare

June 2, 2021

State of the art technologies one one hand. Uncapable to manage the basics on the other

Technology and Innovation
Laboremia Team

One year ago we switched our Payroll and Admin servers to the cloud. Everything worked as expected with a VM in Azure. Until it didn't.

We made a stupid error (mistakenly rejected a credit card charge that we thought was wrong) and then the nightmare began.

After 3 weeks our bank hasn't been able to roll back the rejection, and Microsoft is unable to just charge again the credit card. Result: Microsoft is shutting down the suscription until the bank finishes the process to roll back the rejection.

Azure's AI technology can identify  molecules that could potentially counteract replication of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, conduct hundreds of millions of simulations to help more patients have access to critical ventilators, can help Brazilians to create a bot to bring official  information to the public and connect potential patients to medical teams to avoid overloading Brazilian hospitals.

Their AI technology can do amazing things.

But hey, don't ask them to charge again the credit card because, as support engineer states "the system is designed like this, it's by design".

After countless of ours wasted on the phone pushing our Bank (and them missing twice their own defined deadline), the current answer from the bank is "just ask your provider to charge it again".

And to be honest, this was expected from the bank. We all know banks.

But it's hard to understand from one of the world's top technology creator that they cannot just charge the dammed credit card.

Now we are stuck between the -not unexpected- inefficiency of our bank, and amazingly uncapable billing system from Microsoft Azure. Who knows for how long.